Command Glossary

Command Glossary

Enter a command to get its definition:

  • make - command that helps run your local server
  • make convert - checks and ensures Jupyter notebooks are up to date
  • make clean - stops the local server and cleans the files
  • make stop - stops the local server
  • cd - allows you to move through directories
  • cd vscode - allows you to go to VSCode directory
  • python –version - shows you your current python version
  • jupyter –version - shows all your jupyter files and their current versions
  • git clone - clones a repository
  • rbenv versions - shows your current ruby versions
  • ruby -v - shows your current ruby version
  • bundle install - this command installs the dependencies in your Gemfile
  • adds an image
  • ls - lists files in the respository
  • pwd - Print working directory command
  • mkdir - Command used to create directories
  • echo - Print any text that follows the command
  • clear - Clear the terminal display
  • mv - Move or rename files
  • useradd - adds a new user
  • sudo - command to create privileges