##Question 1

def is_even_or_odd(number):
    # checks if the number is even or odd.
    if number % 2 == 0:
        return "Even"  # if it divides by 2, it's even.
        return "Odd"  # if not, it's odd.

# enters a number.
user_input = int(input("Enter a number: "))
result = is_even_or_odd(user_input)
# tells if odd or even.

##Question 2

def summing_machine(first_number, second_number):
    # adds the two numbers
    return first_number + second_number

# calculates sum of the two numbers
result = summing_machine(35, 34)
# prints result
print(f"The sum of 35 and 34 is {result}.")

The sum of 35 and 34 is 69.