##Question 1

## Requests | requests.post - sends a POST request which sends data to a server, requests.get - sends a GET request to a specific url to get data from it
## NumPy | numpy.mean - calculates the mean from an array, numpy.sum - calculates the sum of an array
## Flask | flask.Flask - creates a flask web application, flask.route - defines routs and views functions in a flask

##Question 2

## The API I researched was Twitter. Something that I learned or found unique was that it allows real time streams and displays the tweet timing and data almost automatically.
## It is a REST API, which are simple API's for building websites. It allows us to search tweets, click on profiles, comment, and like.
## A possible scenario is when your building a website to communicate with friends and you can comment on their messages or like it.

##Question 3

#imports the numPy library
pip instal numpy

import numpy

# creates two NumPy arrays 
array1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
array2 = np.array([6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

# uses prefix functiion to do the number operation
# calculates the element-wise sum of two arrays
result = np.add(array1, array2)
print("element-wise sum of the two arrays:")

# uses prefixed variable to get the shape of the array sum
# The shape variable gives te general shape in the shape function
array1_shape = array1.shape
print("\nShape of 'array1':")

##Code can't run because we need to download numpy library, but will work if it is downloaded

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)

Cell In[2], line 16
      1 ##Question 1
      3 ## Requests | requests.post - sends a POST request which sends data to a server, requests.get - sends a GET request to a specific url to get data from it
     15 #imports the numPy library
---> 16 import numpy
     18 # creates two NumPy arrays 
     19 array1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'