Basic Structure:

Pseudocode is written in plain English with a structured syntax. It often begins with declarations of variables and their types. Pseudocode includes common programming constructs like loops, conditionals, and procedures (functions). Variables:

Variables are declared with names and data types. For example, int count. You can initialize variables and assign values, such as count <- 0. Input and Output:

Common I/O commands include READ for input and PRINT for output. For example, READ number would read input into a variable named number. Conditional Statements:

Common conditional statements include IF, ELSE IF, and ELSE. Use comparisons like =, <>, <, <=, >, >= to evaluate conditions. For ex:

IF age >= 18 THEN
    PRINT "You are an adult."
    PRINT "You are not an adult."


Common loop constructs include FOR, WHILE, and DO UNTIL. A loop may have a condition, such as FOR i <- 1 TO 10. ex:

FOR i <- 1 TO 5
    PRINT "Hello, World!"


Procedures are used to group related code into reusable functions. You can define procedures with PROCEDURE and call them with CALL. ex:

PROCEDURE CalculateAverage
    total <- 0
    FOR i <- 1 TO 5
        READ score
        total <- total + score
    average <- total / 5
    PRINT "Average: " + average

CALL CalculateAverage


Pseudocode supports arrays, and you can declare them like ARRAY arr[1..10] OF INTEGER. Access elements with indices, such as arr[5]. Comments:

Comments are important for explaining your code. Use # or REM to indicate comments. ex:

# This is a comment
REM Another comment

Whitespace and Indentation:

While not strictly enforced, proper indentation helps improve code readability and structure. Modularity and Abstraction:

Pseudocode encourages breaking down problems into smaller, manageable parts using procedures. Testing:

Test your pseudocode to ensure it functions as expected. Include various test cases. Optimization:

Pseudocode can be optimized for efficiency and clarity. Consider the algorithm’s runtime and memory usage. Practice and Familiarity:

Becoming proficient in writing and reading pseudocode comes with practice. Work on sample problems and exercises.