Grade Calculator

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Total : 0.0 Count : 0.0 Average : 0.0

GPT Explanation

HTML Structure:

  • It sets up a webpage with a white calculator on a cool background image. The calculator has buttons for numbers (0-9), arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /), and buttons to clear or calculate. JavaScript Functions:

  • appendToResult(value): Adds the clicked button's value (number or operator) to the calculator display. clearResult(): Clears the calculator display. calculateResult(): Computes and displays the result of the mathematical expression entered in the calculator display. CSS Styles:

Styles are applied to make the calculator and buttons look visually appealing. In summary, this code combines HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to create a user-friendly calculator on a web page. Users can click buttons to input numbers and perform calculations, and the result is displayed on the screen.